Artist Statement
In my work I explore
mythology and abstract subjects such as life and death, using anthropomorphism
and other symbolism to analyze the relationships humans have with these
concepts. Combining these explorations through various digital media such as
animation, illustration and robotics I create one interactive experience based
on my own fabricated mythology about the afterlife.
I have always had a
curiosity and love for the natural world.
Wolves especially have had an impact on me as an artist and a person. Their beauty, strength, independence and
dedication to family have always resonated with me. My love and spiritual connection with wolves
drove me to learn more - to study their anatomy, behavior and their
relationship with the world. I
simultaneously became more fascinated with the mythology surrounding wolves and
the recurring themes connecting canines and the afterlife.
Though wolves’ are known
for their predatory nature I have never seen them as a threat but as a vital
and intricate piece to the flow of life and, through my own experiences I have
come to approach the subject of death with the same outlook.
Through my work viewers
come face to face with my interpretation of death as represented by the three
wolves, Obitus, Nex and Mortis. Each entity’s name, as well as its
characteristics, are representations of different types of fatalities and are
linked to how society perceives them, as well as being a representation of the
mind, body and soul.
The characters act as my
own artist rendition of the Greek guardian of the underworld Cerberus, and inspired
me to continue my studies of mythology. My research influenced me to develop my
characters further through inventing a creation story and adding to their
The digital tools and
software I use in my work help me strive to better understand these characters
and help me to bring them further into reality, by giving them a history, creating
a narrative of my characters’ creation and personality. Through mediums like
animation and animatronics I can explore how my characters move, react and
interact to their surroundings. Through these installations I intersect the
world of the spirits with the world of the living.
-Christiana Broughton
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