I'm still tweaking the ending but I figured I would go ahead and post what I have now.
on the streets of a city in Russia/ North Korea. Night.
Opening Titles
Notes: Back ground has color but everything is muted
the top of city line and a beautiful night sky, it is snowing. Camera scrolls
down to show the snow covered, empty, street below. A man walks slowly,
huddling down the street coughing, shows other signs of sickness. Collapses in
an ally and covers himself in old newspapers and magazines. Mortis appears and
surveys the man as he coughs and hacks and then becomes quiet. Mortis crouches
over the dying man, open his mouth and begins to inhale the man’s spirit shown
as a white smoky essence. The camera slowly zooms in on a magazine cover that
acts as one of the homeless man’s blanket, the Magazine cover is that of a tropical
Notes: (Mortis (representation of the mind with the third eye) looks at the
situation from afar but inspects the subject closely and for a long time. He
waits in semi-plain site, symbolism for how starvation and sickness is never a
guaranteed thing. )
Tropical jungle in Africa or Amazon ( big cat is a jaguar or a leopard).
The scene transitions
into a tropical jungle scene looking over a tall canopy. The scene is quiet
until the sound of a gunshot is heard and birds fly from the trees. The camera
zooms down to the base of the forest, a jaguar runs through the woods, Nex runs
(or at least a red is seen as the cat is being shot at. Nex looks like he is
stalking/ hunting as well, more active than mortis). It jumps into a clearing
taking a minute to survey its surroundings before climbing up a tree. The
hunter quickly emerges from the woods tensely searching for his target. He
looks around but doesn’t see the Jaguar in the tree ready to pounce on the
hunter, the hunter wips around with his gun just as the cat leaps from the tree
and attacks him. There is another bang before the scene becomes quiet, both the
hunter and the cat lay on the ground dying, the cat shot in the chest the
hunter has an open neck wound (or claw marks on his body). Nex sniffs around
the dying cat, as it takes it’s last breath Nex quickly and deeply inhales it
collecting it’s spirit before moving on to the suffering hunter. The angle
changes to the hunter’s point of view looking directly up at Nex as the spirit
looks down waiting to collect the soul, he begins to open his mouth as we the
audience knows what is about to happen. The angle quickly changes to a far view
as a bird looks down watching as New finishes collecting the soul of the
hunter. There is a pause, then a sound is heard ( a scream, another gun shot,
the sound of an accident happening, etc. ) Nex quickly turns to the sound
before quickly hurrying off. Soon after the bird takes off.
Notes: (Nex’ s costume design could be more animalistic he crouches and almost
walks on all fours unlike Mortis and Obitus)
Nursing Home / average middle class American home.
Notes: The scene is very slow with quiet moments and pauses.
the viewer’s follow the bird from the last scene as it fly’s to the window
ledge of Nursing home/ average American home. The camera zooms past the bird on
the ledge to the inside of the room where we see an elderly woman sitting in a
chair looking through a photo album. The camera angle changes looking down at
the woman and her album, from this angle we see Obitus sitting on the floor
next to her, head slightly resting on her knee like that of a loving pet
patiently waiting. The woman closes the album and leans back in her chair her
breathing becoming slightly heavier. Obitus watches as she takes her final
breaths, coming off the floor he leans in very close and gently inhale’s her
spirit. After the spirit is collected Obitus steps back taking a final gaze at
the old woman before fading away.
Last scene in maternity ward of hospital
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